Thursday 27 June 2013

Blog Design updated

I have finally added a new design to the blog which I feel makes it look more professional.  There are still some areas I need to sort out like images which open in two separate galleries, which I can hopefully resolve eventually.  It seems that some of the images are resized with awkward dimensions so I will have to go through most the site and replace them.

Generally the comments section is now easier to read and view with more obvious buttons for reply and as always anonymous comments are still allowed but are of course first screened before posting.  It seems most spam comments have all but disappeared which makes me happy.

The search now seems to work a lot better than before, providing the top 10 results.  In addition there are the popular and recent posts on the side allowing quick access to those.

Some of the menus are not populated with anything and will be soon enough or removed completely.

If anyone finds any errors or mistakes please leave a comment on this post, thanks.