Saturday 11 June 2011

Sony A-Series Walkman disappears from Sony Australia

It appears that Sony Australia has removed the A-Series from its website.  When the A-Series debuted on the Hong Kong Sony website, it appeared not too long right after on the Australian Sony website.  So naturally I checked the HK Sony site and their Walkman section, but it is not loading for me and it shows 0 out of 0 products found, so I am confused.

Either the removal of the A-Series from the Australian site was due to low sales or a new model is coming.  There was a new A-Series but it appears it is delayed or was pushed back until September and IFA 2011 or later in the Fall season.  A similar situation happened with the Sony NEX-3 successor.  The new model was supposed to unveiled in early April I believe but due to the earthquake was delayed and just recently unveiled this past week. 

I will venture a guess and say that the A-Series was too expensive and was selling poorly this is why it is gone from the website.  But I do know that Sony is planning some product announcements in July but have no concrete information if a new A-Series is part of those debuts.

If anyone has any information regarding the new A-Series or other new unannounced Walkmans, please contact me via the contact page.


  1. Yeah, the A-series actually disappeared a few months ago. I have the A846 and it's a nice little player, but it was very expensive. So, I would agree that sales were probably poor due to its high cost.It would be nice if there was a new A-series coming out. Given that the current S-series is cheaper than the previous one, perhaps a new A-series would also be less expensive and may sell better (if it were to be released in Australia).

  2. In Mexico, too, before they disappeared, they lowered the price to 2000 mxn (Used to cost 3000)
