Sunday 15 May 2011

Sony NWZ-E363 appear on Latvian and Australian Sony Sites

Well it appears that either Sony Latvia jumped the gun or an announcement is due soon from Sony regarding the new E-Series.  Nothing really new to add to the specs, it's just like the old E-Series but only a new design, and less battery life which is weird.  Anyways, hopefully the new E-Series will not be the only new Walkman this year. 

UPDATE - pricing is out on the Australian Sony website, the 4GB model is priced at 99 AUD which is the same price as the older 4 GB E-Series in Australia.

I am not sure if the link will remain up, but I have saved images of the website below, check out the images after the break.



  1. The E363 is also for sale on the Sony Australia website.

  2. thanks for the info I will post it.
