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Will the new Walkman be delayed?

I am sure everyone is aware of the devastating earthquake in Japan, so it would come as no surprise to hear that various industries have shut down due to the earthquake. I have been following the developments of the new Vaio SB laptop and supposedly there are now supply issues for the CTO models. 
Question arises will the new Walkman also be delayed or have supply issues? I wouldn't believe so since most if not all of Sony's Walkman players are assembled outside of Japan, mainly in Malaysia. But there will be some shortages of various components from suppliers like NAND flash. So perhaps maybe Sony will delay the introduction of the new Walkman? This remains to be seen.


  1. was there even a new walkman coming out to beging with... i dont think so since ive been watching for one.

  2. actually there is a new walkman due soon.

  3. With microsoft killing off zune hardware and new sony erickson phones being integrated with walkman, we may be seeing the end of the standalone player as we know it.

  4. so do you know what is the tobe rumoured walkman, ... is it going to be a touch screen (next gen x series) what type of screen and size. etc.

    been waiting for the A850 series to hit North America since late 09' dont think it's gonna come...

    planning to get a cowon j3 the next week if i dont hear anything, ive been waiting for a couple of years for sony to release something decent.

  5. well it is supposed to be an A series replacement, but not sure if it will have a touchscreen. it is not delayed or shouldn't be delayed.

  6. En el evento que hizo sony aca en lima perรบ, yo pude ver la nueva serie nwz-b160 ... Es lo mismo al modelo b150 solo que ahora vendra con un clip de accesorio y la luz led se prendera al mismo color del equipo´si es rojo se prende rojo, si es verde se prendera verde etc etc etc

    gino quiรฑones
    especialista walkman - lima perรบ

  7. any mention if there'll be a u.s. release of any of nice models the rest of the world is enjoying:) thanks

  8. Not sure if it will be a US/EU release at the same time but the new walkman is due for north america.

    I have heard though that the new walkman could be slightly delayed, so stay tuned for more info.

  9. Any more updates or timeframes on the new a-series walkman ascariss?

  10. Wow my blogger dashboard is not working on my pc, anyways i believe it is delayed and anything new would at the earliest show up in September.

    The new e series is out on some European Sony sites yet there is no press release about it. Perhaps the new a series will have a similar debut.

  11. Thanks ascariss. The more I think about it the chances are that the next a-series will just be a progression on the last one - which is a shame as I think there would be an appetite for a media player that was essentially the same as the SE Arc but without the 3g cell phone part and with better digital amp / equaliser etc.

    Or may be that's just me! - I'd snap up an Android Sony Walkman Arc that had excellent sound quality, at least 32GB storage, and the ability to playlist on the go & delete songs on player etc......


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