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Sony WH-1000XM4 shows up on Dell Canada, ships late June (update 4)

Sony WH-1000XM4

Dell Canada has posted up the WH-1000XM4 on their site. No photos are shown, but a price, $499.99 CAD and a ship date of June 23rd are provided. Interesting the price has gone up in Canada from $449.99 to $499.99. The link can be found here, but I doubt it will be up for long.

Update 4: I will address the various comments and posts which I have seen here and on reddit.

First the date of June 23rd was not a release date but ship date, so a product announcement should have happened beforehand from Sony, why it did not I will get to that in a second. Either Dell pulled the trigger too early with their listing or the plan was for an early/mid June launch and Dell was following the normal course of events. If Dell posted too early then the ship date of June 23rd was connected to a normal 1-2 week ship time for third party products and the date meant nothing.

Either the other retail leaks (Adorama, Walmart) were too early as well or a release was coming but Sony decided to delay the release.

So we are left with a few options:

1. Everything is on schedule, release date soon, the videos/retail leaks were early and not indicative of actual release date

2. There has been a delay either due to production issues, or perhaps lack of parts for production with not enough stock for a launch, so a delay was issued

3. Sony is waiting on Apple to introduce their headphones and then try to steal their thunder with an announcement

I know people are eager to get the new WH-1000XM4, and I am sure Sony wants to get them out to as many people as possible, so sit tight  and wait for a release.

Update 3: The headphones have appeared on Inso.ca, which seems to be a retail supplier from my understanding.  Anyways, they have the WH-1000XM4 on their site but it is unavailable at this time. Likewise, Sony's parts website is not listing any WH-1000XM4 parts yet, which is troubling. The WF-SP800N for example appeared on the parts website much earlier, easily 1-2 months before release.

Either Sony is delaying for Apple's event, or retailers/reviewers pulled the plug a bit too early.

Sony WH-1000XM4

Update 2: Looks like Dell removed the listing.

Sony WH-1000XM4
If the headphones are to ship in late June 2020, an announcement is imminent, probably this week, maybe even Thursday or Friday. Anyone willing to try to order a set? The rest of the specs from the page are posted below as photos in case the page goes down.

Sony WH-1000XM4
Click for larger size
Sony WH-1000XM4
Click for larger size
Sony WH-1000XM4
Click for larger size

Adorama now has the headset up on their site, no ship date but both silver and black are live. Thanks to Elliot on twitter for bringing this to my attention. If anyone finds anymore listings at retailers, either hit me up on twitter or leave a comment here.

Sony WH-1000XM4
Click for larger size

Sony WH-1000XM4
Click for larger size


  1. Looks like they'll announce it at the PS5 event this friday.

  2. The short term confidentiality has expired today. Part of the manual is live on the FCC listing. I wonder if theyโ€™ll be announced later today?

    1. Could even be next week. nothing in the manual is new unfortunately, and we are missing some information when compared to the old Anatel manual, like power consumption.

    2. Unless I missed something, the expiration date was on 2/June

    3. correct the original date was June 1st or 2nd, but was later updated to June 12th.

  3. well, where are the headphones it's 24th and no news...


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