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Sony LinkBuds (YY2964) Delayed

Sony LinkBuds S YY2964 delayed
If you have been looking forward to the new LinkBuds, well you will be waiting a bit longer. Sony submitted a FCC filing on August 9th asking for the withdrawal of authorization for the YY2964. The reason, is because the release of the product will be postponed. Sony states that once a new release date has been fixed, they will resubmit the FCC documents again. See the memo below.

Sony LinkBuds S YY2964 delayed

Recall that the model's short term confidentiality date was September 12th, meaning it was supposed to be unveiled before then, but now that seems not to be the case. I will keep an eye out on any new filing, and keep everyone updated. Hopefully the delay is not long.

Update, I have reached out to several contacts to see what the issue. If I hear anything back, will post it.  Correction, the title was incorrect, not LinkBuds S but regular LinkBuds, so the title is now correct.

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  1. that sucks, was looking forwards to these.

  2. Are there any news regarding the delay?

    1. no news or information. But we do know the new model names.



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